Words hurt, verbal abuse really should stop.. It's part of the reason I was pushed into depression. I've always been verbally abused by people at school, family members, etc. I relate to this picture because I have scars to prove it as well. Some of the verbal abuse consists of: name calling, "you won't ever have to worry about guys chasing after you because they wouldn't want you", you're fat, ugly, you're a whore, you look like a monkey and the lists go on and on. You might think its just a harmless joke or "teasing" but the truth is it really hurts.. You want to see the scars you've caused? xx -Dani.
These things can really stick with you. Most of the negative self-talk in my head is things people have said to me in the past. I hope one day someone tells you the exact opposite, and even more that you'll be able to believe it.
These things run through my head all of the time. Thank you so much, I hope the same for you. Thank you for reading my blog, it really means a lot. xx -Dani.