Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20th

Today I bought a dress to wear to my cousins wedding. It made me feel more confident even though I'm not the skinniest person alive. I'm still trying to lose weight because I won't feel good about myself until I do. The wedding isn't until Saturday and its a five hour drive so were staying in a hotel after the reception. Tomorrow I'm getting my nails done with my mom and that'll be another bit of a confidence boost. For part of today it was really bad.. I was crying and I relapsed on cutting because it felt like the only thing I could do. Hopefully I get over it... xx -Dani. 


  1. Have fun at the wedding! There's nothing like a good pampering/makeover to raise confidence. I'm sure you'll look fantastic, and I hope you feel that way too.
    PS You can make it through. Everyone can, even if they're at rock bottom.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping ill have fun getting out of this town and that it will take my mind off of things. It did raise my confidence but I'm scared people will look at me weird when I get there and then my confidence will go down again. I'm trying to push through, though days it's pretty hard. xx -Dani.

  2. You know, it happens. I still have days I struggle. I don't cut, but with other things like my ED. Never forget to look up. I'm happy to hear you had a moment you felt beautiful. Xx

    1. It does happen and I hope I'll get through it. I have an ED as well which is a struggle all on its own. Ill remember to keep my head up, thanks. xx -Dani.
